
We're changing the way people communicate

Public Seminars

In-Person Public Seminars

Bryan Garner’s seminars teach the habits of effective legal writers: how you can write about law using the same techniques that professional writers of nonfiction use. You’ll need an arresting opener, a clean narrative line, and polish throughout.

How many lawyers are effective legal writers? “Not many,” Garner says. “But I like helping more lawyers move into the upper echelon.”

Let Garner help you become not just a better writer but a better thinker. The two go hand in hand.

Make a difference in your career: join us for a day to sharpen your legal-writing and advocacy skills. Learn techniques vital to the effective lawyer’s arsenal.

What’s the right course for you?

If this is your first experience with us, welcome! Let’s find the right seminars for you.

If you’re back for more, we’re thrilled to see you. You’ll learn something new every time.

Distinguish poor writing from effective writing.
Open with a solid lead. 
Edit to brighten and polish. 
Budget your writing time.  
Learn the basic principles of argumentation. 
Master the art of oral argument.  
Recognize and eliminate legalese.
Master punctuation and grammar.  
Make your documents look professional. 
Become an expert editor and proofreader. 
Hone your brief–writing skills. 
Use legal reasoning to your advantage. 
Know what judges do and don\’t want.
Know which words cause trouble and why. 
Use authority effectively, not citing as filler.
Learn how to use rhetorical templates. 
Frame deep issues that spotlight your point.
Use tested methods to prepare for oral argument.  
Learn rules of interpreting statutes and contracts.  
Learn to answer judges’ questions skillfully.  

Policies and Information

What you need to know about your day with Bryan Garner.

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In-Person Public Seminar Help

Questions? Give us a call or email us. We’re here to help.

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Financial Aid

Available in certain circumstances.

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Online Training

Online Training

Focus on the techniques and areas of writing that challenge you.

Take your writing to the next level with self-paced learning. We know you’re busy, so we’ve made it easy, accessible, and flexible.

LawProse In House Training

In-House Training

Bring Bryan Garner to you.

We conduct in-house workshops throughout the country for law firms, corporate legal departments, business groups, federal and state agencies, and federal and state courts.